Я написал пост для америнского читателя. Именно американского, потому что простого знания английского при жизни в РФ недостаточно.
The following is a post for Americans since you need to know some teenagers' games in the MidWest to properly understand it. But here it is anyway.
I am over quarter of a century in the U.S. but have not forgotten the lessons from my Gulag life. It was a much harsher life than we have in America, but in one sense ALL lives are existentially the same: they all end in death. Mature people come to understand it; libraries of great books are all about this difficult, but unassailable truth. Alas, for the immature such books mean something else or nothing at all. In the Gulag the KGB’s ultimate goal was to destroy resistance down to the very moral fabric of resisters. Only those mature enough to be mercilessly clear-eyed survived the pressure. They knew without putting their lives on the line, there was no chance for freedom. подробнее ⮞⮞⮞